Certifying Authorities - An alternative to Classification Societies

When it comes to Small Vessel Coding (for vessels below 24m Load Line Length) going with Certifying Authorities instead of Classification Societies gives you the same service and result with much less costs.


See below article from our partner MECAL:


Accreditations as MCA Code Examiners

We are pleased to anounce that we are officially accredited MCA Code Examinors by MECAL and the Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors (SCMS).

Offering regular MCA Annual Inspections (SCV2, SWB2), along with one-time Tonnnage Measurement Surveys and MCA Coding, up to Safe Manning Certificates, we provide all kind of MCA services to our clients primarily on the North and Baltic Sea coast in Germany, Denmark, Poland and Scandinavia.